Analysis of market status and development trend of electric vehicle industry in the future!

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Analysis of market status and development trend of electric vehicle industry in the future!

Dec. 14, 2021

Analysis of market status and development trend of electric vehicle industry in the future!

1. The demand for electric bicycles increases.
       Electric bicycle is a new type of vehicle, which uses electric motor and battery as auxiliary power, is equipped with intelligent sensor system, and provides power assistance according to the magnitude of the rider's pedaling force, so as to realize the integration of human riding and electric motor assistance. In recent years, due to the progress of lithium-ion battery technology, the improvement of its price and capacity, the electric bicycle market has set off a worldwide upsurge, especially for high-end models.

Analysis of market status and development trend of electric vehicle industry in the future!

2. The design tends to be diversified and personalized.

     With the development of China's economy and the change of consumption concept, consumers' demand for bicycles is diversified, personalized and customized, which leads to differentiated demand in bicycle models, styles and functions, and the trend of product segmentation is obvious. The function of bicycles has developed from transportation instead of walking to competition, leisure and other fields, and more and more groups use bicycles for sports, leisure and fitness, which puts forward higher requirements for bicycle personalization. As people's requirements for bicycle function are no longer limited to simple walking instead of walking, the market of mid-to high-end bicycles with sports, fitness and leisure functions is constantly expanding, and the industrial structure is subtly changing.

3. Mid-and high-end bicycles will usher in rapid development.

      At present, China's bicycle market is gradually developing towards the middle and high end, which is manifested in the upgrading of materials from traditional steel to high-end materials such as metal alloy and carbon fiber. The appearance is developing towards the direction of light weight, beautiful texture and personalization, and the functional parts are replaced by sports, leisure, fitness and other functions instead of walking. With the improvement of residents' consumption level, the popularity of sports, health and environmental protection concepts, and the active promotion of bicycle activities by bicycle associations around the country, the domestic mid-to high-end bicycle market will see great development in the future.

Analysis of market status and development trend of electric vehicle industry in the future!

4. The production process tends to be automatic and green.
      China's bicycle industry actively conforms to the transformation and upgrading trend of manufacturing industry, and some enterprises have begun to use automation equipment in important processes such as welding, painting and assembly, and the production efficiency and quality level have been greatly improved. In addition, in the face of the rising labor cost in China, accelerating the application of automation technology and optimizing the production process will become the key means for the bicycle industry to cope with the change of labor structure.
      With the continuous improvement of local governments' environmental protection supervision, industrial enterprises have continuously improved the process and used environmentally-friendly materials in the production links of wire pickling and phosphating, frame painting and baking, and increased investment in environmental protection facilities, upgrading and upgrading environmental protection equipment such as spraying and baking waste gas, welding fume and solid powder collection, and further improving the green development level of the industry.

      The electric vehicle industry is facing an unprecedented "great change", with both opportunities and challenges. For example, in the post-new national standard era, the number of traditional electric vehicle manufacturers dropped sharply, the supervision became stricter, the profitability of stores declined, the peak season was not prosperous, the "transition period" was coming to an end, and the "double carbon strategy" gave birth to new markets, the Internet and four new forces.

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